Alberta, Canada Bighorn Sheep Hunting Outfitter
The most prestigious, regal and recognized big game animal in North America is the Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep. We use horses to get into the sheep hunting area and then transition to a backpack style hunt once in the high country.
This is the most efficient way to hunt the sheep in this area of Canada, maximizing our time afield so we can find you the ram of your dreams.
This hunt will be twelve hunting days in duration in the month of September with experienced sheep guides. Being in good condition is a must for this hunt and one must prepare physically and mentally long before the hunt begins.
The Bighorn Sheep Hunt in Alberta
This is vast unspoiled country with a high population of resident sheep that live in the hunting area year round, not spending most of the year in a park or protected place. To get into the mountains from the trailhead our clients will ride horseback deep into the heart of the hunting area. Once in sheep country the hunt will continue as a backpack hunt which is the most efficient way to hunt sheep in this country. This will give the hunter the ability to move and camp at will, putting you in the best positions to spot sheep during high activity times.
We will typically be hunting the sheep from 5500’ - 8500’ (1700-2600M) in elevation.
Do I Need to Be in Good Shape to Hunt Bighorn Sheep?
Fitness Level For the Sheep Hunt
One must be in excellent condition to backpack hunt this area and preparing for this hunt mentally and physically is a necessity. To start the backpack portion of the hunt you have to be comfortable packing a minimum of 45 pounds excluding your rifle. With the lightweight gear available to the mountain hunter and 8-9 days of food one should be able to get your pack weight in this range.
Conditioning prior to the hunting using the same gear as you will on the hunt and doing some of your workouts with a weighted pack is very important.
Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep Season
The non-resident hunting season for bighorn sheep in Alberta, Canada is September 1st - October 15th.
Typical of any mountain hunting one has to be prepared for all types of weather from hot days to rain and snow.
Temperature can vary from 15-65F (-10 to 20C).
Do I Need to Draw a Sheep Tag in Alberta?
Many of us have been putting in for limited sheep draws throughout the western states but odds are so low and they get worse as more people apply that we may never get drawn.
In Alberta, sheep tags are guaranteed for non-residents, no drawing required! This hunt will be twelve hunting days in duration in the month of September with experienced sheep guides.
What is The Sheep Hunt Schedule?
Hunters will have to fly to the city of Grande Prairie, Alberta. Most will have to get to one of Alberta’s main airports, either Edmonton or Calgary and then take the short flight to Grande Prairie.
Day 1 - arrive in Grande Prairie
Day 2 - relax at your hotel or see the city (this day is strongly suggested in case luggage gets lost)
Day 3 - We will pick you up in the morning, drive a few hours to the trailhead and ride into the first camp approximately 3 hours.
Day 4 - ride to base camp
Day 5-16 - Hunt days
Day 17 - ride back to trailhead
Day 18 - drive to Grande Prairie
Day 19 - fly home
There is no better feeling than that of successfully taking a wild sheep. It is the whole experience; the preparation, the vast country these animals inhabit and the effort needed just to get in to it. This hunt will provide you with all of this and the reward is grand! Come join us and experience it for yourself!
Why is sheep hunting so prestigious… and expensive?
It is a classic case of supply and demand. The opportunity to hunt sheep world wide is very limited even though most populations are quite healthy mainly due to conservation efforts that are mainly funded by hunters.
In North America a Grand Slam or FNAWS (Four North American Wild Sheep) is the taking of the four species of wild sheep that inhabit Canada, USA, and Mexico. The four species are Rocky Mountain bighorn, Desert bighorn, Dall and stone sheep. This has become one of the most sought after achievements for the serious mountain hunter.
Opportunities for sheep hunting in the United States are mostly done on a very limited draw process that can take decades to be successful if ever. If you don’t want to wait for a successful draw in the US, you can buy a sheep hunt from an outfitter or Mexico. This comes at a very high cost which varies depending on which sheep species you want to hunt. Outfitter hunting areas that have sheep quotas are very expensive to buy and operate. Many of the outfitters need horses, boats, planes and many other types of expensive equipment along with an experience crew to access their remote areas making the cost to operate these hunts very expensive.
Unfortunately in this day and age many hunters will not be able to afford to do a sheep hunt but if you can it will be one of your most memorable, humbling mountain hunting experiences you can have. Majority of the time one is successful sheep hunting, you will have to earn it physically and mentally which is a big part of the reward! The sheep do not care how big your wallet is or what your social status is in the civilized world!